Saturday, September 10, 2011


I wrote this

Chapter 1

“Wake up… wake up” yelled someone above my head. My brain felt as though it was being jumped on by a herd of ants. Wait, no that’s wrong maybe by a sack of rocks. I rolled over and squinted up at my younger brother, Dillon.

“What do you want?” I said, not pleased that he had awoke me.

“Wake up burger head, it summer”

“Yes, so I should be able to sleep past noon without having little boys jumping on my face”

He didn’t move, so I grudgingly had to remove him from my room. I could finally get back to sleep, but, just like little brothers are he was back, knocking at my door until I finally got up and opened it.


“Wanna play”

“No” I said slamming the door shut in his face. He was persistent. I finally played with him; I had no idea what exactly what we were playing but I kept him happy. That is all I cared about. I so wish I would have cared more, but that’s not important.

After his game was over I went back into my room to think of a plot for a story I was writing. I was raking my brain wile my fingers were raking through my hair. I could hear my little brother in the room right next to mine listening to loud music and playing with his foam battle ax. As I was messing around with my pencil a strange sensation went through me. It was like I was hit by a wall of electrified water without getting wet or maybe just a wall of pure energy without getting shocked. Whatever it was it was like nothing I have ever experienced or will ever experience again. I dismissed it as a power surge in the electrical system because Dillon’s music stopped blaring and he stopped chopped invisible foes. As I got up to go into my bros bedroom I absentmindedly shoved the pencil in my pocket for safe keeping not knowing how much I would eventually need it.

I slowly walked down the hall to my bothers room hoping to hear my brother making any noise. I heard nothing but silence. My heart pounded. As I reached the door I look in at my brother sitting on the ground rocking back and forth crying.

“What’s wrong buddy” I said coming up to him

“I was playing battle ax and it slipped out my hands and went in da mirror”

“What do you mean it went in the mirror” I said looking over at the unmarred mirror. There was no scratch or any sign of the foam ax harming it in any way. But there was something different about it, it didn’t just sit there and reflect; it shimmered. I slowed moved toward it. The closer I got the more in detailed I could see into the mirror. I say into because it looked like I was staring into a box or an empty space that reflected my gaze, like some weird optical elution I could see the room behind me as though it was in front of me.

“You see it” my little brother’s words jolted me out of my thoughts. As my concentration broke so did the room in the mirror.

“What” I said still dazed by what I had seen

“Did you see my ax?” he questioned hopefully. I shook my head. His face fell. I slowly trudged out of the room my mind in a whirl. Was I going crazy, or was my mind playing tricks on me? I thought like this for hours until I finally convinced myself that it never happened.

Days passed and not a single instance of abnormality occurred, to the point that the whole thing was shoved to the back of my mind. The days dragged on. We went through the same routine of Dillon wanting to play for hours on end and me not paying much attention to anything other than sleep and my book. I was 15 what do you expect. But the days went on like so and in the night my dreams were constantly haunted by images of that room behind the mirror the void of nothing. Then it happened, the day was rainy. Clouds covered the sky, which is really weird because we live in a little town in the southwest part of Arizona, and we got hardly any rain this part of the year. Anyways, we were stuck inside and I was stuck with playing with Dillon. We were playing with his Galaxis Maxamis action figures. He was the famed Capt. Maxamis and I was his arch enemy, the evil Segnard. We were I an epic battle with my evil minions and his Tream Squad (on the outside I said I hated this type of stuff, but I was really into it) when the phone rang so I ran to go get it. When I picked up the phone I heard the dial tone, so I hung it up and went back to the room. When I opened the door I expected to see Dillon sitting on the floor smashing Segnard with a plastic missile. That’s not what I say at all.

I thought I had seen my brother’s room messy before, but that paled in comparison to what I saw now, toys were everywhere like his closet exploded. The figurines closest to the mirror where melted and charred as if they had been hit by a thermal energy force, but worst of all was that I didn’t see my brother, anywhere.

I searched everywhere, anywhere that a small boy could hide, nothing. Not a hair or hide of him anywhere. I knelt and began to cry. I had lost my brother, he was gone. I didn’t know what to do. I got up to tell my mother that I had lost her son, I fleetingly looked at the mirror, more of a glance really, and what I say terrified me. There was my brother floating in the nothingness a terrified look on his face. I walked forward trying to find a way to help when I tripped on one of the action figures and fell into the mirror.

Monday, July 11, 2011

Spouting of Knowledge

Without hope man is nothing. Without death man will live. In all things there is nothing. In small things the world may fall. In death there is life. Small thing falling start a chain reactions that makes it so large things may stand. In life there is death. Trash is trash when no one can use it. the impossible is only as far as the imagination. The impossible becomes possible when belief is meshed with knowledge. The man of greater wisdom will beat the man of greater knowledge.The stark drivel of a mad man may eventually be the answer to the revelation. Knowledge is precious, hoard it well. This is end to my endless spouting of knowledge.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kid History

"The stars they never work, popp'n cars popp'n gas. Bum Bum Bum"

For all of you who haven't kid history watch on you tube. Just do it!!

Zombies and You

The zombies are coming to get me, they are everywhere, help me!! On Friday i played a game with some of my friend called Zombie Run. What you do is select a level and try to avoid the zombies coming at you from all sides. the trick is that instead of just a video game you use a GPS to track yourself and the zombies. If they catch you they will eat your brains. it is freak' n scary when you play in the dark of night.

Anyways in other news there is a decease that is going around, it is called equadicalictitis ti causes one to grow strange scales on random parts of the body and to lose all sense of practicality (will believe anything). If you believe this message you are very, very gullible.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

I stick my tough out at all you who can't get on Facebook and that sort of thing at school because the school won't let you!!! wahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!

Monday, April 19, 2010

muhahahahahahahahahaha i broke the thing that dosen't let let us on stuff!!! now I am at my school dooing my blog!!!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

What ever you do do not fall out of a tree it is very bad because you will rip your favorite sock. And i will say it as before fear the kiwi or it will eat you.